Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Poor Virginians

There is legislation currently pending in Virginia that would make wearing pants 'in an inappropriate or lewd manner' a fine-able offense. If this bill goes through, it looks like cops can fine kids (because lets face it, we're not talking about 30 year olds here) 50 bucks for showing their underwear, or wearing pants that are too baggy or droopy.

If I had one word to say to Virginia; What the Fuck are you thinking! There's a reason nobody trusts their government, this is micro-management on a collosal scale. Hey, if you really think the goth kid is going to beat someone with their spiky chain, then outlaw spiky chains, not black trenchcoats.

Some pundits have already come out saying this is a veiled attack on urban youth, the kids who are more likely to wear baggy pants. Now, if there's any statistic that can prove this, the State of Virginia has a hell of a lawsuit on their hands.

I personally may nit like the idea of wearing pants around your thighs (here in Canada, my ass would just get too cold)... but any democratic government has no right to mandate what people wear. If they had, maybe Prince Harry wouldn't have made an ass out of himself in that Nazi uniform, but I think most people can agree the swastika is a fashion don't.

Wake up Virginia... let all those nice thongs see the light of day.


At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually...Virginia has dropped the pants thing, they say it was an embarassment to Virginia because of the world wide attention it was getting. Never mind the fact that they are trying to tell people how to live their lives.


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