Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I Believe...

It's been a whil;e since my last update, and for this one, I thought I'd take you all a little deeper into me. Who am I? What do I believe in? The Answers could surprise you.

I believe political correctness has gone too far; we need to learn to make fun of each other again without care or concern about race, religion, sexual orientation, or midget status.

I believe that Jesus, Moses and Mohammed aren't special people... I mean, it's all based on the same god, so what's all the fighting about?

I believe that I am more important than Jesus, Moses and Mohammed... what have they done for anyone lately?

I believe I can fly.. I just haven't had enough drugs in my system to try it.

I believe in a woman's choice, but as a guy, I also know I shouldn't even open my mouth about it.

I believe I should get to kick the heels of people in front of me who walk slowly.

I believe that people alot dumber than me are making a lot more money than I can ever hope to see. I'm slightly saddened by that thought.

I believe that if there is a god, he's cool with me.

I believe that if there are aliens, they're cool with me, too.

I believe that I may never see the Blue Jays win a championship again. This, too saddens me.

I believe that odds are, the Leafs and Raptors aren't going to win a championship in my lifetime, either.

I believe in the strange fact that women out of my league seem to find me strangely attractive (You know who you are).

I believe that having 5 parents sucks if you don't get double the gifts.

I believe in myself, because if I don't, who will?


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