Thursday, March 03, 2005

News of the Day, Political Ranting

Now Playing - Crowded Elevator by Incubus

Well hello again, I just wanted to post another like to Jeskid's website. Check out his movie and tell all your friends ot do the same, he's not in this to make money, after all.

Now, Martha Stewart is scheduled to be relased from prison where she has allegedly been 'the model inmate.' Now, I think that people who have done time for their crimes, especially on a first offense, should be able to go free, but according to CNN, Martha Stewart is almost 500 Million dollars richer than when we went in. For those of you won don't remember, good ol'Martha was indicted for insider trading... people should not be allowed to have their companies make money in prison. Sadly, Martha made more money in her stay in a jail cell than I ever will in my lifetime.

Now, in other news, prostitutes... that's right, actual ho's, as opposed to models in rap videos, staged a protest to attempt to convince the government to legalize prostitution. Now this may not be your cup of tea, but let's face it, it makes sense. Firstly, it encourages girls who have no other choice but to sell their body to be able to do so in a controlled environment, where they can earn money without fear of getting beat up by a pimp or killed by a john (no not me). Another good reason... disease! If the Women of the Night can work legally, then odds are they'll have better access to getting screened to protect themselves, and their customers.

Another reason decriminalizing prostitution and marijuana makes sense... Taxes. Let's face it, our lovely Canadian government taxes the hell out of everything we do, wouldn't it be nice to have a hooker tax and a pot tax? If you dropped the alcohol tax one percent with the additional monies being substituted by two new taxes, the canadian public would go for it in a second. Our gay marriage rules show that we're already more forward-thinking than our neighbours to the south.

...And speaking of Americans, who'd be more likely to take advantage of our new liberal-leaning policies? It would create another infulx of cash into a system that, unfortunately, is bereft with problems.

Hey, here's an idea, if the province of Ontario is losing doctors, as so many commercials on the radio have taught me... why not hire a few to look after the hookers? If doctors are leaving the country, then they're just showing themselves to be paid mercenaries, more inclined to take of their chequebook than your illness.

Now Playing - A Daisy Through Concrete by Eels


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