Monday, May 02, 2005

Reviews and... Patriotism?

Now Playing - Simple Twist of Hate by Millencolin

Well, it's been awhile since my last post here and alot of things have happened. New albums by Both Millencolin and Eels have come out, and I've had the chance to sample a couple of new beverages now on the market, here's what I think of all of 'em.

Millencolin's Kingwood is probably going to be one of the best punk albums released all year, after the seemingly forced songwriting on parts of Home from Home, it's a treat to see them go back to their punk roots and grow naturally, just playing songs they want to play. The behind the scenes footage included on the cd is also one of the best glimpses into what a band is really like while recoding an album.

Muppet Scale of Rating; Kingwood gets a Fozzie, might not be exactly what you want at first, but grows on you with every listen, and is realy a much more full character than you first realize.

And on to the Brilliance. Eels' Blinking Lights and Other Revelations is simply a stunning record. I have no other words to describe it. It's a double album, with the first disc featuring the softer balad-type reflective songs and instrumentals that are the base of all Eels albums. The second disc rocks, and the lyrical content is as heavy as ever, even if the music doesn't quite reach hard rock status. This album is E's masterpiece, alhtough I'd love to see him try and top himself. It's been out a week and I've listened to it more times than I can count already.

Muppet Scale of Rating; Blinking Lights and Other Revelations scores a Swedish Chef... absolute brilliance, and when it's over, you always wish there was more.

Now, I had a chance to try Kick, Molson's new lager with Guarana, and it's not bad, that is ti say it tastes like regular beer. It's hard to tell how muhc of a kick there actually is, but I ended up staying up very late that night.

Now I was walking donw the street today, and I can honestly say I saw the most god-awfull shirt I have ever seen. It was a simple American flag that read Patriotism, An American Tradition. Now I'm not anti-american, but I am anti-idiot, and sadly those two often more similiar than you might think. This shirt, though is completely ridiculous. Firstly, American Tradition? Patriotism has been around since people first started to divide themselves into groups of nations, and thee's a reason so many soccer matches end in violence... patriotism, seeped in centuries of warfare since before America was a twinkle in anyone's eye aside form the Indians who lived there... and we all know what happened to them.

Secondly, is it really right to boast about your ugliest trait? I mean, you don't see me running around with a t-shirt with my picture that says John; Wildly Flatulent With a Small Penis. America is the only country that routinely tells the world how great it is, and it's a reason most countries around the world are sick of Americans. FOr us up here in Canada, though *sighs* We're used to it, but we make up for it by overcharging them for lumber and eletricity.


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