Wednesday, May 04, 2005

How To Get Girls... part 1

"John..." My friends (male and female alike) have asked me "... How come all of your girlfriends have been at least an 8 on the hotness scale and yet are only a 6 at best?"

This is a very good question and the shortest, most honest answer is... I have no godly idea, but if that was the truth, this post would be over now. Instead, I have come to enlighten and entertain and provide some handy information for those on the quest to find at the very least a Ms. Right Now.

Clothes - Now this may simple but it can be very tricky as men have no real idea about clothes. Assuming you're 20, then hopefully you've had at least 3 years experience dressing yourself. Find out what works for you, don't wear what everyone else is wearing, wear what looks good on you. I may not dress to the nines all the time (or at all, quite frankly) but I never look out of step.

Hand in hand with clothes is your look, is the shape of your head suitable that you can get away with wearing a baseball hat most of the time, thereby saving valuable time not combing your hair? Does your chin work best when clean-shaven, or are you lucky enough to be lazy enough to not shave foe a few days and have it work for you? They say look are very important, but that's a half truth at best, if your looks don't make her drool the way she does over Orlando Bloom, that's alright... just don't scare off the poor girl.

Personality - Trickier than clothes because there is no real way to 'get' a woman with your personality. You just have to be yourself and hope she's compatible (or at least somewhat agreeable) with it. There are a few basic rules, though, and if you know yourself well enough, then they should be very easy to follow. Accentuate the positives... if you're funny tel alot of jokes, if you're the kind who stumbles over punchlines then don't overextend yourself.

The hardest thing to learn is to actually listen, and I know that's not really feasable, but you should be able to identify with at least 50% of the words coming out of her mouth, because you are expected to respond with something moderately intelligent.

The last bit I have to say about personality is know your audience. The girl you just met at a club isn't going to care how well your half-elf cleric held up against orcish hordes, and likewise that cute girl in your art history class might not really be interested in going to that Rammstein concert.

Well, that's all for now, stay tuned for part 2, which may or may not include such topics as things to do on a date and how to seduce a girl.


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