The Eagerly Anticipated... How To Get Girls... part 3!
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Ok, now let's say you've managed to land yourself a date with a nice girl willing to put up with your presence for at least a couple of hours... what do you do?? Whee do you go? The answer to all these questions and more lay in the next few paragraphs... read on.
Firstly, never go to a movie on a first date... that's just like sex in the shower.. sounds nice, but in reality just a flat out bad idea. You don't even get to talk to her and find out if either of you has any deep seated issues that will cause the burgeoning relationship to bust. Of course, it's assumed that there will be some sort of meal involved, so go to a place she likes and pray to god they have something you'll like on the menu, and if they don't, find something half-decent and tough it out... suggest you pick a place for the next time (if there is a next time).
Now alot of people like to go to clubs, which is great, except, well... let's face it, if you're reading this, you can't dance. The secret is that you don't have to dance... if you've got a sense of rhythm that is equivalent to that of a basic amoeba (like myself) all you have to do is have a drink in one hand and just kind of bounce... if you can't dance, less really is more, Just Trust Me.
Now say you're lucky enough to not have to go to a dance club, and she wants you to suggest something to do. The best thing I can suggest is a comedy club, which is the best place to learn about a woman without actually having to talk to her. Watch her, see if any jokes make her blush, look at how she laughs, now I don't mean stare, but just, you know... be aware of what she finds funny. It's alot easier to share a couple hours of laughs with someone than it is to spend 2 hours in silence staring at a screen.
Let's also assume that the plan is to go back to your place after the date. You clean up beforehand, right? WRONG! Women see dirt that we just don't. Of course, you might want to take the obvious crap off the floor (hopefully not literally) but don't kill yourself trying to scrub everywhere, your place is dirty and she knows it before you two even get through the door. Just make a bit of an effort and she should be pleased... if she's not, then she must not have alot of experience with single guys... don't worry, she'll learn.
Now be sure to come back monday for the exciting conclusion of How To Get Girls.
Movies are more 3rd date, when youre comfy enough to be able to sit in silence. 1st date silence is awkward. But you have that figured out. I know guys are messy and think its cute. oh and dont take down the naked girl calendar just cause im there, no point to it really, if you could get that naked girl, you wouldnt have her calendar. Club? I cant dance, but you already knew that too.
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