Saturday, January 29, 2005

I'm not cute, damnit

It has come to my attention that a number of people have been calling me cute recently. I find this evry cute and have posted the picture below to prove that I may have been cute once, but am no longer. It's ok to find my nice, or handsome or whatever, but come on... cute?? It's one of those things that just doesn't seem to fit me.

In other news, prepare to be excited as in the first hal ot the year not only we have a new Millencolin album and the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy movie, but also a new Eels cd, that is confirmed to be a double album! oh happy day

I WAS cute... once. Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

Random Ruminations

Just a quick update to let you know what I've been thinking about lately.

Iraqi electiosn are scheduled for Sunday. The funeral of the newly elected Prime Minister is scheduled to start noon the following Saturday. Dignitaries are expected to begin booking flights to pay tribute to the fallen Prime Minister.

Damnit NHL and NHLPA, make up your minds, save the season or don't. I'm sick and tired of reading new stories that say 'no new progress.'

Lost has to be the best show on tv right now, OC be damned.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Roe v. Wade... Part 2?

Norma McCorvey, known as Jane Roe in the Roe vs. Wade case that brought Abortion to the fore in North America has recently come out asking the Spureme Court to overturn the decision... Now I don't want to recap the whole story, but rather offer my opinion on it, but there are a few facts that need to be cleared first, namely the reasons behind the decision to ask the court to overturn the ruling.

In McCorvey's eyes, the decision is no longer valid because of 'anecdotal and scientific evidence' that has come to light in the past 30 years has come to light that changes the factors involved with getting an aportion. Firstly, there is no such thing as anecdotal evidence. Secondly, and more importantly, she's right. Medical technology has advanced so much since the decision that factors that were considered in the decision are now almost irrelevant.

I am adopted, and would love to see more mothers decide to give their children up rather than abort them. If I ever got to meet my biological mother, I'd like to say thanks for not making the choice to make me an abortion. That being said, I am not unconditionall against abortion, as a man, I realize that I have no business even picking one side or the other because that fight is not mine to take up.

I feel for Norma McCorvey, I do, but I think she has no business trying to change a Supreme Court ruling, no matter what. There is ample evidence that smoking and driving kill thousands of people a year who neither smoke nor drive, yet people still have the choice to light up a cigarette and drive a car. In a country like America, gun manufacturers are having problems marketing guns because everyone that wants a gun already has one. Abortion, owning a gun, and smoking are all personal choices, and need to be legislated to some degree to protect innocent people who might be in a bad situation. Taking away a personal choice is not the proper way to go about it.

On a small side note, is there a better way to convince kids to have safe sex than by presenting the fact that Abortion isn't a simple cure-all?

Monday, January 24, 2005

Gotta look good on your birthday Posted by Hello

Oh Dear God

I probably shouldn't be ranting on my birthday, but I saw something watching daytime today that made me think about the biblical signs of the apocalypse...

Ellen DeGeneres has a DJ.

I hope this is as much a shock to you, dear reader as it is to me. I mean not only because she is whiter than I am, but because this is ELLEN! Now, I actually thought her stand-up was decently funny, but this travesty must be put to an end now. Her DJ doesn't even get to talk, all he does is put on a song for her to dance to. This bothers me, because everyone with a talkshow that has a band or musical director, or whoever... they all let them talk. Even the guy who played the Sax for Emeril got to squeeze a BAM! in now and then.

Another point to ponder is... what kind fo sellout is this guy? He doesn't do any scratching or create new beats, he just puts on a record, I don't want insult this guy, but he's the human equivalent of a Winamp playlist. I just hope that guy has a real strong underground vibe, but is a struggling artist so he wakes up at 10 AM so he can 'spin' for Ellen. oy

Happy Birthday to me!

Well, I'm 22 today, so I thought I'd just mention that and hope people send me lots of nice comments.

I happned to be watching the real news on the CBC and they actually had a story about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston's divorce. Firstly, nobody should even care anymore, secondly, it looks like they didn't sign a prenuptuial agreement, they're going to have to split their estate in a messy battle. Their estate is worth 190 million dollars. 190 million! How could they not find a way to split that equitably?

It boggles the mind, but I think Chris Rock said it best about divorce (although, to be fair he was saying he understood why OJ killed Nicole). "If you have ten million and your wife wants five, no big deal, you ain't starving... but if you have thirty thousand and your wife wants fifteen, the bitch is gonna have to die."

I'm really just tired of celebrity couples and celebrity divorces... on a side note about someone who deserves to be a celebrity, Rest In Peace, Johnny Carson.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Movies on TV

I've noticed something on tv... there seem to be alot of disclaimers popping up everywhere. Thankfully I don't live in the Land of the Oppressed and the Home of the FCC, but there seem to be an annoying number of them on now. Now I am (or was, I should say with this admittance) a closet wrestling fan. Now the guys who do the disclaimers for wrestling shows just sound like such wimps "This program may offend some viewers" -that sucks. I want some guy yelling at me "
Listen panty-waist, this show rocks hard and we kick alot of ass, so if you can't handle that, get a pair or change the channel!" Hell, I think viewership would increase.

Now for the Chum group of tv channels, Mark Dailey with his deep voice does all the disclaimers, whihc is great for an action movie because you can see him ad-libbing "This movie contains scenes of violence and alot of cool shit blowing up" And with his voice, that would work. Now, for the porn movie they show on friday nights, he just doesn't have the voice for it, it's too manly. "This movie contains scenes of nudity and sexuality - you sick puppy" (on a side note, nudity without sexuality is kind of boring) It sounds like he's trying to make you change to something else for a second.

Now Showcase, they've got it right, for every movie, no matter what, they have this incredible silky voiced woman. "This movie containc scenes with nudity and sexua- oh yes, right there" I mean, that kind of voice puts me in the mood before the opening credits have rolled.

Just something I wanted to get off my chest

Godamn it!

It severely irks me to think that there's going to be no hockey this year. We all know the truth, the owners are greedy and the players are even greedier. The players are a group of hypocrites, proven so when NHLPA head Bob Goodenow came out and told his members to take jobs away from european players. Of course, this doesn't make a huge difference in Russia or Sweden who constantly churn out good hockey players, but in places like Germany, they actually have to legislate how many 'professional' hockey players are allowed on a team to ensure that German kids will get a chance to play and develop.

I don't know what the solution is, but use a luxury tax that has some teeth.
Tax over 40 million with 25 cents on the dollar
45 million- 30 cents on the dollar and a third round pick
50 million, 50 cents on the dollar and a second round pick.
55 million, 75 cents on the dollar and a team's choice of either a first round pick or a second and third round pick.
At 60 million, keep it on a dollar for dollar basis and have a team give up a first and secound round pick.

Now, all you have to do is move the nets back, institute a shootout in someway and bring in a tag-up offside rule and you're bringing back a game worth watching. Oh, it wouldn't hurt to see some of those American teams (Nashville, Carolina, and Florida to name a few) either fold completely or moved to places where people actually would come to hockey and not just support a team when it's winning. A stiff tax might even help send a team or two back to Canada, or have one put in Minnesota, you know, places that deserve hockey.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

How I got the name Nober

This is a refresher for people who know and a good story for people who don't. The nickname is pretty unique, and I've got Sanderson for that. See, the summer before grade 5, he went to camp IDon'tRememberWhat. Now, he was on a baseball team there, which was supposed to have been called Barry's Boners; obviously, the counsellors said no dice, but they let this team be known as the Nobers'.

The beginning of the school year, I am clapped on the back and greeted with the question of "Hey Nober, had a good summer?" Because I was tall and thin at the time, and seemed to look like a penis to all my friends, the name stuck, and there are a number of people who call me that to this day.

What I do best Posted by Hello

New Blog open for duty

Well, I have to admit that I have been drawn into the seductive bosom that is blogging. Now, seeing as how my friends have started blogs ranging from the sublime to the inherently ridiculous I have decided to join in to the seething mass of humanity and opinions on blogspot. The one thing I can promise is that I will not stay on the same topis for more than a couple of days, discussing a wide range of topis from whatever the hell I want to whatever the hell you want.. Enjoy.