Monday, February 28, 2005

RvB woo! Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 27, 2005

RvB in Toronto

Now, some of you may have not heard of Red vs Blue, the single best thing on the internet without porn. There was a screening yesterday in toronto of the first two seasons. Now for those of you who haven't heard of it, please, go to the Red vs Blue website

Do yourself a favour and check that out. Now I'll post a couple of pictures taken at the event as soon as I get permission from the photographer.

Now yesterday was not only about rev versus blue, it was also about film... independant film. Jesse Cowell, a filmmaker from New York City came up to hang out with us Red vs Blue folk and show us his movie. Not only is Shades of Gray great, you, that's right, you can watch it for free on Jesse's site.

So, you know... check that out, too and have some fun, it's a great movie and did I mention COMPLETELY FREE TO DOWNLOAD? That's right, just head to Jesse's site and get that movie, well worth it.

In other news, there is no other news.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I Believe...

It's been a whil;e since my last update, and for this one, I thought I'd take you all a little deeper into me. Who am I? What do I believe in? The Answers could surprise you.

I believe political correctness has gone too far; we need to learn to make fun of each other again without care or concern about race, religion, sexual orientation, or midget status.

I believe that Jesus, Moses and Mohammed aren't special people... I mean, it's all based on the same god, so what's all the fighting about?

I believe that I am more important than Jesus, Moses and Mohammed... what have they done for anyone lately?

I believe I can fly.. I just haven't had enough drugs in my system to try it.

I believe in a woman's choice, but as a guy, I also know I shouldn't even open my mouth about it.

I believe I should get to kick the heels of people in front of me who walk slowly.

I believe that people alot dumber than me are making a lot more money than I can ever hope to see. I'm slightly saddened by that thought.

I believe that if there is a god, he's cool with me.

I believe that if there are aliens, they're cool with me, too.

I believe that I may never see the Blue Jays win a championship again. This, too saddens me.

I believe that odds are, the Leafs and Raptors aren't going to win a championship in my lifetime, either.

I believe in the strange fact that women out of my league seem to find me strangely attractive (You know who you are).

I believe that having 5 parents sucks if you don't get double the gifts.

I believe in myself, because if I don't, who will?

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Vince Carter and his mom

Michelle Carter, mother of whiner Vince, said that while still with the team, Carter picked up coach Sam Mitchell and slammed him on a massage table during an altercation. Now, there are a number of reasons I really doubt that this actually happened. Firstly, Vince is so injury-prone that he can barely walk without getting a cramp. At 42, I honestly think Mitchell could whip Vince, who just turned 28, and is technically 'in the prime of his career.'

Now I don't like Vince, that much is certain, I hate on principle anyone getting paid millions of dollars and then admitting they didn't put in a full effort. I may not be a naturally blessed athlete, but for thousands of dollars, I'd be putting in more efort than Vince does. Vitriolic coach Bobby Knight, one of the best and most ornery coaches in cllege basketball, explained why he wouldn't coach the NBA; "You've got guys making 2 million who can't do anything. I'm in a huddle looking at a guy who maks 2 million and he can't crush a grape." Vince is that guy, although he is making alot more than just 2 million dollars.

Now, my other problem is the fact that this little tidbit came from Carter's Mother. Knowing a bit about bad parents of sports figures (The Patriarch of the Lindros family comes to mind, yelling at curious kids) I should have seen it coming. Vince is a baby, and he was coddled by both his mother and the Toronto Raptors, and, I'm assuming, the New Jersey Nets. That is nither here nor there, though, the point is that if there was any sort of altercation or fight in the locker room, guess where it should stay? That's right, the locker room. If it comes out, it should come out a day or two later, not when the main player in question has already been traded. Whoever talked to Mrs. Carter was probably just a little bored, looking for a small story to fill in the rest of the sports section. Well, he found one, didn't he.

In other news, so many of you outraged against the droopy pants legislation that Virginia has dropped it. Good work, now let's see what we can do to get hokey back on the ice, before the NHL is dead to me and I start watching junior hockey on community television... oh wait, that's what I've been doing already for the past 5 months.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Poor Virginians

There is legislation currently pending in Virginia that would make wearing pants 'in an inappropriate or lewd manner' a fine-able offense. If this bill goes through, it looks like cops can fine kids (because lets face it, we're not talking about 30 year olds here) 50 bucks for showing their underwear, or wearing pants that are too baggy or droopy.

If I had one word to say to Virginia; What the Fuck are you thinking! There's a reason nobody trusts their government, this is micro-management on a collosal scale. Hey, if you really think the goth kid is going to beat someone with their spiky chain, then outlaw spiky chains, not black trenchcoats.

Some pundits have already come out saying this is a veiled attack on urban youth, the kids who are more likely to wear baggy pants. Now, if there's any statistic that can prove this, the State of Virginia has a hell of a lawsuit on their hands.

I personally may nit like the idea of wearing pants around your thighs (here in Canada, my ass would just get too cold)... but any democratic government has no right to mandate what people wear. If they had, maybe Prince Harry wouldn't have made an ass out of himself in that Nazi uniform, but I think most people can agree the swastika is a fashion don't.

Wake up Virginia... let all those nice thongs see the light of day.

Kinda looks like he's touching me... intinately... and I like it! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Baseball and Reality TV

Nothing serious in this post, just a couple of things I've had thoughts about.

Jose Canseco has, in his book described instances where he personally injected Mark McGuire with steroids and introduced the drug to Juan Gonzalez, Ivan 'pudge' Rodriguez, and Rafael Palmeiro. No I don't care too much about what he did, baseball is rampant with steroid use and everyone knows it... (I, for one, would like to see steroid baseball, with 150 mph fastballs and 700 foot homeruns) One thing you always hear form retired athletes is that the first thing they miss is the team, the guys in the locker room. My onlt question is why Jose felt he had to name names in his book, now scheduled to hit the shelves Monday, the same day as his 60 Minutes interview. I'm very interested to hear what he says, hell, I might even skip wrestling to watch that.

Now, watching the season finale of The Amazing Race, they had previews for the next season. One of the two-person teams is going to be Survivor couple Rob and Amber. Having already won 1.1 million and a couple of cars from their efforts on Survivor All Stars (they were both on previous Survivors, but failed to do much, I have no clue how much they made from that), they take on The Amazing Race. I think in the near future it will be possible to write in on your tax form that your primary job is 'reality television contestant.' For some reason, I'm slightly sickened by that... only because I haven't been on tv yet, though.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Death has a Dignity All Its' Own

Surreal day yesterdsay... Going from being a pallbearer at my Great Uncle's funeral to being an invited guest at a friend's wedding. I cannot imagine a stranger dichotomy.

I've never been a pallbearer before, but being the oldest and biggest grandson on my grandfather's side, I guess there weren't many other people who could do it. Walking with his casket, I remembeed the last time I saw Uncle Maurice, he'd had a few health problems and m father and I visited him in a hospital in New York City. He was in and out of it, but when in, I saw alot of the things that I see in my father and grandfather in him. He wanted me to help him go out hunting for the prettiest nurses in the hospital, and was convinced that I was going to be a big football player.

He always used to bring something when he came in to visit the family from New York. Just little presents for the grand-nephews, and being the oldest, I always got the coolest one.

And then there's the wedding, an astonishing size for a man who couldn't look any happier. I doubt I'll never live through another day like that as long as I live.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

That's me... and a mini Taco Posted by Hello